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Ask for price in hydro geological investigations, observations were made about geology and types of aquifers, surface water bodies, drainage pattern, yields, quality and representative hydraulic parameters governing water regime of the area. In this survey, response of rainfall pattern is studied on water level fluctuation & total quantity added by rainfall in the upper unconfined aquifer annually. Our objective is to provide tailored services designed to meet the specific needs of each customer and their project. Our technical reports enable clients to decide whether to proceed with drilling projects and they allow the driller to accurately depth and price the job making it possible to progress schemes from proposal to completion. |
Groundwater is the major natural resource used for domestic, irrigation and industries. Water contained in the voids of the geological materials that comprise the crust of the earth is the groundwater. This water bearing zone is called as aquifer. To identify the groundwater potential, we have to find out fracture zone in the hard rock area as well as sand zone in alluvial area. It exists at a pressure greater than or equal to atmospheric pressure. The experimental and mathematical methods required for analyses are distinctly different as it is exploited and used in human affairs in different ways. |
The important hydro geological parameters such as porosity, permeability and hydraulic conductivity of the geological stratum are found out to determine the performance of the aquifer. Added to this, an important factor is the length of database and remote sensing & GIS are also considered for predicting the groundwater potential. Otherwise, it is difficult to predict the regional groundwater flow conditions, subject to measurable hydrological and meteorological variables in nature. As it is largely uncertain in nature, this cannot be left in isolation.
Groundwater identification will be find out by traditional method and scientific method. At first we will find the groundwater flow direction in our site by “L” shaped imported dowsing rods. Then we will fix the resistivity meter in the centre place and current will be injected into the ground through steel rods to get the resistivity of the sub surface geological formation. Finally we will conclude and recommend the groundwater potential depth in meters, yield in inches depth of salinity limit in meters. Finally we will give the report with all hydro geological information.
Rainwater is captured and stored correctly is a safe, economical and sustainable source of quality water. Safety measures can be applied to the manner in which rainwater is captured, stored and dispensed. In fact, some people argue that rainwater is safer than water supplied through mains or reticulated water systems. Our main water supply is typically stored in dams, treated with chemicals such as chlorine to kill of bacteria and make it safe, and then pumped through a network of pipes throughout the community. It makes sense to catch the rain that falls for free without chemicals. |
Geotechnical investigations are performed by geotechnical engineers or engineering geologists to obtain information on the physical properties of soil and rock around a site to design earthworks and foundations for proposed structures and for repair of distress to earthworks and structures caused by subsurface conditions. Additionally, geotechnical investigations are also used to measure the thermal resistivity of soils or backfill materials required for underground transmission lines, oil and gas pipelines, radioactive waste disposal, and solar thermal storage facilities. |
Remote sensing and GIS is a relatively young scientific discipline and is an area of emerging technology which has witnessed phenomenal growth over last three decades. In the recent past, there has been tremendous development in the field of remote sensing data collection, analysis and utilization. The science of remote sensing is no more an art of map making from satellite image. It is free form of information technology where raw digital data is converted to information which in turn aid to the knowledge base for sound decision making. Image processing facilities which were earlier restricted to selected major research establishments have now become widely available with the advent of micro computer and low cost image processing equipments. The digital data handling led to the development of GIS (Geographical Information System) followed by another innovation of GPS (Global Positing System). Remote sensing coupled with GIS and GPS techniques has dramatically enhanced human capability for resources exploration, mapping and monitoring on local and global scale. |